“Probably one of our best pieces from the Roselea album, opener Welfare Queen has always had a negative connotation. In its title and some lyrics,” says Ryan Medina. “Our tongue in cheek writing style was fun when we were younger but the track seems juvenile to some degree,” says Robert Sawyer. “We’re working on a new revamped version which has a little more positivity,” he says.

Rough takes have begun in California with vocals slated to be recorded in North Carolina in March. When everything is done, Ryan will come in and drop the drums on the completed track. “We’re doing this backwards, but it will be easier for me to hear everything and that’s the way I’d like to do it,” Ryan says. Digital delivery as a single is expected sometime in June, 2024.

Interestingly, the track will feature a name change as well. Tentative working titles are She’s The Queen, and Wayward Queen. Drop a comment to let us know your thoughts.